Creating a Portal to Success
How ACTUM Digital helped revolutionise Dormer
Pramet's B2B sales
Dormer Pramet was looking to largely improve the Customer Experience beyond outdated e-procurement portals scattered around the globe.
Ongoing migration project to a new ERP solution brought further complexity to the project.
Timing was a decisive factor, first 8 markets had to be launched within 4 months and 24 more markets in the following 4 months.
DP came into the partnership with ACTUM Digital with a very clear concept as to what they wanted from the relationship.
As part of their long-term business strategy, DP needed a truly up-scalable solution that would “consumerise” their online B2B sales.
As such, the portal needed to offer an unparalleled user experience whilst also acting as a vehicle through which additional value-added services could be offered to their tens of thousands of customers all across the world.
The biggest challenge was to have the solution live within 5 months from the start of the project.
The portal initially launched at the start of 2022 in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Germany and Turkey offering a massively improved user experience.
With the continued support of ACTUM, DP has been able to roll out the portal in new territories at a breakneck pace without any issues as it was specifically designed with rapid up-scaling capabilities.
This has given them the ability to react immediately to market changes anywhere in the world with complete confidence.
“Our first unsuccessful attempt at an online portal cost us three years of our lives, but with ACTUM Digital's help we had a fully functional solution ready to go live within five months.”
Months to go live
Country-specific e-shops launched in phase 2
Orders made on the first day