Salesforce Tableau Pulse Overview

Data is the new currency, but its volume and complexity can make it hard for decision-makers to use. Tableau has recently rolled out its new feature, Tableau Pulse, powered by Tableau AI that is designed to help with data organization and data interpretation. Today, we'll cover who Tableau Pulse is for, how it works, and share use cases of how it can change daily manufacturing operations. 

b2b ecommerce efficiency

Generative AI for Analytics 

Artificial Intelligence remains a hot topic in technology, dominating discussions from its potential impact on humanity to specific use cases and tech demos. Salesforce is expanding its use of generative AI across its platforms, with Tableau, the leading data visualization platform, being the latest addition. 

Understanding Tableau Pulse 

  • Availability: Included out-of-the-box with all Tableau Cloud and Embedded Analytics editions.  
  • Price: Free with all Tableau Cloud editions and Embedded Analytics solutions. 

Tableau Pulse feature acts as a canvas for users to cultivate and share meaningful metrics critical to their business, all through an intuitive user interface directly within the platform. With Pulse, creating and disseminating impactful metrics has never been more straightforward, enabling users to drive informed decisions and action plans effortlessly.  

It’s all about the consumers and decision-makers 

Everyone aims to make better decisions, which require insights and knowledge derived from data. However, for many companies, data remains untapped and seemingly useless, often because people cannot locate or interpret it. According to Gartner, 47% of digital workers struggle to find information or data to perform their jobs effectively. 

Decision-makers, pressed for time, seek straightforward messages that provide clear insights or action plans. Imagine having a personal assistant to interpret all the colourful dashboards and numbers, connecting the dots to present a bigger picture. This assistant would need to understand the full scope of the data, including its lineage, to provide interpretations based on the same information available to you.  

This vision is seen in the new Tableau Pulse release. With this feature, Salesforce aims to serve a broader audience beyond traditional dashboards or report builders to those who consume these dashboards and need to make informed decisions.  

The goal is to make data accessible to everyone by giving it a story

How Tableau Pulse works 

Tableau Pulse combines already existing Tableau's data capabilities with AI and storytelling. The feature is powered by Tableau AI (Tableau GPT), a suite of predictive and generative AI tools that simplify and democratize data analysis and insight consumption at scale.  

Thanks to Tableau AI, Tableau Pulse simplifies the discovery of relevant metrics, offers automated analytics in plain natural language, and proactively addresses user questions. 

And that’s where things get interesting for users.  

Let’s say you notice discrepancies in your data. Knowing the "why" behind this trend doesn't involve sifting through endless datasets. Instead, you simply ask Pulse—whether your question is specific ("What caused this trend?") or broad ("Is there an underlying issue I should be aware of?"). Pulse's AI analyses the data, understands your query, and delivers clear, actionable insights. 

Automated data summaries 

By delivering AI-generated data summaries directly into preferred workflows, such as Slack or email, Tableau Pulse makes it easier to keep track of vital information without manual effort. 

Custom metrics dashboard 

Users can create personalized dashboards highlighting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) relevant to their operations, ensuring they're always informed about critical metrics. 

Here is how the standard Dashboard in Tableau looks like:  

Standard Tableau Dashboard. Source:

And this is what it looks like with Tableau Pulse:  

Artificial intelligence (AI) market size worldwide in 2021 with a forecast until 2030.
Source: Tableau 

AI-Driven actionable insights  

Tableau Pulse goes a step further by providing actionable insights derived from data analysis. By leveraging Tableau AI, Tableau Pulse uncovers hidden patterns, correlations, and outliers within the data, empowering businesses to make informed decisions with confidence.  

Tableau Pulse use cases in manufacturing  

The applications of Tableau Pulse are virtually limitless, spanning across industries and use cases. From retail and e-commerce to healthcare and finance, organizations can leverage Tableau Pulse to drive a wide range of initiatives, including:  

  • Context sales monitoring: Track sales performance in real-time, identify emerging trends, and optimize pricing strategies on the fly.  
  • Customer engagement analytics: Gain deeper insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and sentiment, enabling personalized marketing campaigns and enhanced customer experiences.  
  • Operational efficiency optimization: Monitor key operational metrics in real-time, identify bottlenecks, and streamline processes for improved efficiency and cost savings.  
  • Risk management and compliance: Detect anomalies and potential risks as they occur, enabling proactive risk mitigation and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.  

The future is data accessibility 

Tableau Pulse represents a significant shift in data monitoring and insights. Combining real-time monitoring, actionable insights, and seamless integration, it enables businesses to fully leverage their data assets and achieve meaningful outcomes. In an era where data is invaluable, Tableau Pulse stands out as a transformative tool, equipping businesses to navigate the complexities of data with agility, intelligence, and confidence. As we look to the future, Tableau Pulse is set to continue driving innovation and changing how businesses utilize data for strategic advantage. 

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