Scaling Retail Optimization with Azure AI

Usage of Microsoft Azure Automated Machine Learning to Enhance Image Recognition and Drive Retail Success

Faster and Efficient Store Shelf Photo Analysis

Empowering the Retail Display Management with IR Service

The significant step in the world of optimizing on-shelf product displays for major consumer goods companies was achieved through the Image Recognition (IR) service. Which analyzes store shelf photos to provide crucial performance data for better retail display management.


How Image Recognition Drives Shelf Appeal

Winning the Retail Aisle Battle


As their customer base grew rapidly, the company recognized the need for a more scalable solution. They decided to update the IR service, making use of Microsoft Azure Automated Machine Learning. This update has resulted in faster image recognition and more efficient data collection, ensuring that their service is prepared for future growth while remaining cost-effective.

Every retail store aisle is a contest among brands to see which display can successfully coax shoppers to add a product to their cart. Ukraine-based company uses Image Recognition (IR) technology to help brands analyze and optimize their in-store presence to best appeal to browsing customers.

How the Service Works in Practice

Decoding Image Recognition

decoding image recognition

IR detects product orientation, availability, prices, competition, and more. Field workers take shelf photos with smartphones or tablets, which are analyzed in the cloud by IR service. Results are swiftly provided to field workers, and detailed analytics are accessible via a web portal. IR offers real-time feedback, tracks key performance indicators, and provides a comprehensive service package, revolutionizing how brands optimize in-store marketing. This is a game-changing service for brands who want to better understand how their products and in-store marketing methods perform in the field.

decoding image recognition

Azure automated machine learning (AutoML)

Initially, the company operated its recognition service on virtual machines within Microsoft Azure, leveraging the TensorFlow framework and Mask R-CNN libraries. However, this setup presented limitations in terms of scalability and performance. As the client base utilizing the Image Recognition module expanded and the volume of photo data arrays grew, the company faced prolonged latencies when retrieving recognition results. Additionally, the administrative capabilities of this setup were constrained, and the user interfaces were inconvenient.

The new solution

After a thorough evaluation of various alternatives for a robust Image Recognition (IR) service that offers a seamless end-user experience, the company made the strategic decision to adopt Azure automated machine learning (AutoML). This choice has proven to be highly advantageous, as the new solution powered by Azure AutoML brings several benefits, including cost-saving efficiencies. Notably, it demands less maintenance and offers enhanced control over the testing and training of models.

On the right track

The increase in recognition performance with over 95 percent accuracy and the improved speed of just eight seconds per image processing is indeed impressive. Moreover, beating the goal by 33 percent in terms of processing time is a significant achievement. Field workers can now obtain better results swiftly, which provides retailers and brands with valuable insights into consumer habits. It's essential to continue monitoring the rollout of the Azure AutoML solution and gather feedback from clients to ensure ongoing success.

Enhancing the Shopping Experience

Providing Strategic Advantages

These improvements in cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency have a profound impact on clients. By freeing up valuable time and resources, the company empowers its clients to shift their focus away from the laborious task of data gathering and analysis. Instead, clients can now concentrate on utilizing insights to make informed business decisions and discover innovative ways to enhance the shopping experience for their customers.

This demonstrates the dedication to providing not just technological solutions but also strategic advantages that translate into tangible benefits for clients. 

Proven competence

Awards & certifications

Microsoft Gold Implementation Partner since 2005
Azure expert certification
Winner - Microsoft Business Process Management and Automation Award

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