AI Idea Partner

Driving innovations by integrating ChatGPT in Azure OpenAI Services into DAM to make content creation and management even more efficient

Professional Servicess improvement

OpenAI Service

The Case Study focuses on a success story of a Professional Service organisation which specializes in delivering SaaS solutions, Marketing Resource Management, Digital Asser Management (DAM) technology and selling marketing automation software. The organisation leveraged Azure OpenAI Service and ChatGPT to create an embedded generative AI assistant.

The solution helps them to deliver engaging, personalised content that is trained on a customer's brand voice and tone.


Enhancing automation at all levels

Innovative technology


The organisation's content operations platform is built on Microsoft Azure and their customers use it as a single source of truth for creating omnichannel experiences. Microsoft Aure OpenAI Service was used for validation of the viability of integration of OpenAI's ChatGPT.

Wir geben zurück

Antikorruptions-Hackathon #Znamkamarada

Der Antikorruptions-Hackathon stellte den verdächtigen und überteuerten Vertrag zum Verkauf von Autobahnvignetten in Frage. Um ihren Standpunkt zu beweisen, rief ACTUM Digital IT-Freiwillige dazu auf, das System innerhalb von 48 Stunden kostenlos selbst zu erstellen. 194 Programmierer machten es möglich und das Projekt hatte Konsequenzen. Der Verkehrsminister wurde entlassen, der überteuerte Vertrag annulliert und 11.000.000 Euro Steuergelder gespart.

Related Services

Effective Asset Management

Azure OpenAI also helped the organisation to automate tagging assets, cataloging and searching for the assets in DAM. This automation significantly saved resources and time for marketing teams of customers using their DAM.

Looking for a DAM platform?

Responsible AI compliance

The AI-influenced content is in compliance with Responsible AI principles. Technology does not aim to replace humans, it simply brings more options and perspectives. But still, it needs control of the human mind.

More about Responsible AI

Driving Efficiency

The described generative OpenAI solution decreased time to market, improved efficiency across teams, and enhanced asset creation and omnichannel distribution.

More about Microsoft Azure

AI Content Coach 

Integrating ChatGPT into Azure OpenAI Service paved the way for more innovations such as AI Content Coach. The interactive assistant trained on the DAM text content facilitates ideation and content creation aligned with a customer's brand voice, advancing the vision of comprehensive content operations and scalable omnichannel personalization.

Proven competence

Awards & certifications

Microsoft Gold Implementation Partner since 2005
Azure expert certification
Winner - Microsoft Business Process Management and Automation Award

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